Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Big Swap

It was sunny and not too windy or snowy this morning so I braved the outdoors and swapped the snowblower and lawnmower around. I even remembered to plug in the electric start of the lawnmower so that it charges up and will work when I want it to.

Once that was done I pulled out the patio table chairs and managed to get the patio umbrella in place. That thing is the heaviest one I've ever had, probably the most durable, but it's right at the extent of my ability to hoist it up and get it into the bottom half of the pole. But I did it. This time.

I caught sight of another male Goldfinch at the feeder and was lucky enough to snap a picture when he was looking at the camera.

When I was getting the patio chairs in place I glanced over at the rhubarb and saw a little pale blue dome sitting in the dirt. It was half of a Robin's eggshell. I looked around and couldn't see a nest. I wonder where it came from.

Drawing went okay today. First I pulled out Dr. Seuss's Animals and drew this whatever-it-is with small teeth. It turned out pretty well but I'm not too crazy about the coloring.

So next I pulled out the Things With Wings (which is not the book's name) book and drew a couple flying horses and a couple owls. Once again I'm thinking that they turned out okay. I thought about painting today but never managed to get to it.

I spent most of the afternoon doing something I rarely do. I sat on the couch watching The Hunger Games and then some TV shows that I'd DVR'd and knitting. I got another repeat done on the Hayden Hawthorne Sock. Once again I didn't knit on the brioche beanie. That thing will never get finished if I don't knit on it. Maybe tomorrow.

I tried finding some keywords to make more ads for my books and finally lucked into "Also Viewed" lists for each one so I made three new ads, one for each title. You're supposed to make a separate ad for Kindle and paperback versions of the book but you can use the same list for each one so I just piled both editions into one ad and did it that way. It's probably wrong and won't get many impressions or clicks but that's what I did. So there. I also changed the blurb on Horizon. I came to realize that the original one gave away too much of the story, it wasn't a hook but a synopsis, and what I needed was a hook. I think I may have that now.

I spent a little time this morning getting a few clothes, socks, and undies packed for next week. I decided that I'll bring lightweight, long-sleeved shirts along with a denim overshirt and a hoodie to use as layers if it's cool. We're right on the bay and the lake isn't too far away on the other side of the peninsula so it can be cooler there. I can't imagine that I'll need a short sleeved shirt, it's been so blamed chilly and windy lately. Except for those few days last month when it was in the 80s. Crazy weather.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You are Wonder Woman to manage to get that umbrella into your patio table -- all by yourself! That thing looks huge and heavy. You did have a productive day -- getting all ready for Spring.