Sunday, May 21, 2023

A Flash of Green

I put out the Hummingbird feeder yesterday without much confidence that they would come but this evening I happened to glance out and there was this little tiny flash of green with wings moving in a blur hovering at the feeder. Despite all odds I managed to get the camera up, turned on, and snapped one shot of the Hummingbird as it got ready to speed off. It's pretty blurry, partly because I took it through the screen and partly because the danged bird was moving so fast, but you can see it so I'm sharing it.

I called Lala this morning to see how she's doing and we talked for a while. It was good to hear her voice. I confessed that I haven't been walking and she encouraged me to go to the Botanical Garden today for a walk. So I did. The tulips and daffodils were fading but still beautiful and the flowering trees were like pink and white puffballs they were so full of blossoms.  I didn't walk all over but I'll go back since I just renewed my membership and should make use of it.

She mentioned that she's enjoying the drawing book and colored pencils that I sent her a couple weeks ago and said that I should send postcards with drawings as well as painted ones so I flipped to the next page in Seuss-isms and drew a relaxing rabbit. Now that pose doesn't look very comfortable to me but who am I to quibble with Dr. Seuss.

The irises up on top of the retaining wall have sent up buds. I look forward to the flowers coming soon.

On my way home from the Botanical Garden I swung by the grocery and bought a few navel oranges so that I could put one half in the Oriole feeder when I got home. I heard the Oriole singing as I was waking up this morning so I know that it's still around. I also noticed that my tenant went out and bought an Oriole feeder that he hung up in his backyard today too so we've got competing feeders. I hope that mine gets some action.

I spent most of the afternoon and all of the evening reading a book. Just like old times except it's an eBook not a paper book. Next I'll read a paper book. That's really retro. In the back of my mind is the thought that I wonder how much it would cost to make my books available as audiobooks. I think they're the wave of the future and I'm missing out on opportunities to make sales. I'll do some research.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

A hummingbird!! You are getting all kinds of visitors to your backyard. Nice to see that blurry little fellow.