Tuesday, May 30, 2023

More Yellow Ones

More of the yellow iris buds opened overnight and they are beautiful. I went around the side of the house and the irises there, which are two-toned yellow, haven't sent up any buds yet. I'm hoping that they do. My Grandma Angermeier called iris "flags," I don't know why, but I think of her when I see them.

The last surviving poppy on the side of the house has sent up a couple buds. I miss the poppies that were in the garden (and the bee balm and daisies too) but the garden needed to go. I should have asked the landscapers to transplant them rather than tossing them but I didn't. Silly me.

Lots of the purple iris have popped open this last few days. It's so nice to look out and see the row of them up on the retaining wall but I wish they were spread out a bit.

The lilies of the valley are blooming too. There aren't as many of them as there used to be, I don't know why, but the ones that are there are vigorous and fragrant. Mmm. Reminds me of 3310 Cave, right, Aunt B?

I tried my hand at painting the yellow iris today. I'm happy with the way it turned out. It's very pale, pastel-y, which is not my favorite but I like this painting.

Drawing went well today. I'm still stuck in the 20 Ways to Draw a Tree (and 44 other nature things) book. Maybe I'll shift to a different book or books once I've drawn one from every page. Today we have berries, a snail, a beetle, a flower, clouds, and an apple.

Yesterday (or the day before) I cast on another dishcloth with the Punto yarn. I got this far and weighed the remaining yarn, pulled out until I had just over half left, and tied a loop so that I'll know when to start the decreases. Hopefully my master plan pans out.

The cleaning lady came today. She's the best publicity agent for my books. She has one of each title and keeps lending them to her customers and is determined that I go see the owner of the local independent bookstore. I told her that I would but I suspect that the owner won't accept my books because the price isn't printed on them and that's one of her criteria for self-published books but I'll go and make her tell me that to my face. My instinct is to avoid rejection but MB won't let it go so I'll try.

It got up to 90 degrees today and the humidity is creeping in. I kept the house closed up and the a/c on today in self-defense. We got spoiled by having a perfect holiday weekend, weather-wise. It's supposed to hit 90 for the next few days. Yippee.

I watched a show on PBS tonight where Lidia (the Italian cooking lady) visited a bunch of different immigrants to experience their different foods and to talk about their American experience. I was so jealous. I'd have given anything to be in her pocket (with a fork) to try all of the wonderful-looking food. The people were from Bhutan, Punjab, Cuba, Afghanistan, and Vietnam. I've always said that I want to be the token white person in my neighborhood and have one of every culture living around me so I can get to know about them and have them feed me. Wouldn't it be great to try all of that interesting food from around the world? I'd want Native American (or are we supposed to say "First Nations" now?), soul food, Hispanic food, and other types of food from cultures closer to home too. I'm an equal opportunity diner. I want to try some of everything!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Ah yes! The Lillies of the Valley always take me back to 3310. I can envision them beneath that enormous evergreen in the front yard. I love the yellow iris too. It would be nice if you had a mixture of the yellow and purple ones on your retaining wall. But they're all beautiful no matter where they are.