Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Red Then Blue

Birds, that is. First a Cardinal landed on the platform feeder and sat in the sun pecking at seeds. It only stayed long enough for me to take its picture and then it flew away. No Mrs. came right after so maybe she's sitting on eggs somewhere.

Then I was thinking of going out to fill the feeders after a trip to the birdseed store and saw a flash of a bigger bird by the patio door and there was a Bluejay on the patio. It strutted over to the fallen seed and had a few pecks before flying away. I went out and filled the feeders but didn't see the Bluejay come back to the peanuts or the cob corn.

Today's drawings from Things with Wings fits right in to what I've written so far. I drew a Hummingbird, a Heron, a Penguin, a Cardinal, a Duck, and a grasshopper. What? Grasshoppers have wings, yes, they do. I know it's not as colorful and maybe not as interesting as when I draw something Seuss-ian, but I do enjoy drawing flying things and flowers with a pen.

The ferns have really shot up the last few days. When I got home on Saturday they were just little green fists but look at them now. I love the bright, yellow green color of the fronds.

And the Bleeding Hearts are really blooming now too. The flowers are much larger than they were on Saturday and much brighter pink. I wish they'd last a little longer. They bloom for a few days or a week and then all there is are leaves for the rest of the summer.

I knitted on the Hayden Hawthorne Sock heel this afternoon and suspect that I've screwed it up. It's a short row heel, not one that I'm very familiar with, and I think that I haven't done the "wrap and turn" parts right on the purl side. Should I tink (knit backwards) it back and try again or just keep going and hope for the best? I'll decide but not tonight. Instead I cast on a washcloth, something easy and mindless to knit. The yarn is called Punto so that's what I named the washcloth. I like the colors even if it does have pink and blue in it. I haven't gotten to the blue part yet but it's coming.

Before I mowed yesterday I went out and picked up all the paper trash that had blown into the yard over the last week but this morning when I opened the drapes there was trash in the yard again. Where does it come from? Today's harvest was a chips wrapper, a couple scraps of garbage bag, a paper bag, and a piece of plastic from some bag of some kind. There are dumpsters in the parking lot above my yard, maybe that's where it comes from. Or maybe people upwind are just slobs. Drives me nuts. (and it's not a long drive)


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

So nice to see the birds and the blooming flowers and ferns in your yard. I think Winter is over and I'm declaring it Spring in GB! I hate trash in the yard too. Are people really that careless? I guess so -- or we can blame the wind and the dumpster.