Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Medium-Size Woodpecker

Woodpeckers seem to be a theme lately. I saw that huge Pileated Woodpecker on Friday. I saw the little Downy Woodpecker yesterday. And today a juvenile Red-bellied Woodpecker visited the nearly-empty suet pellets feeder. I was tempted to go out and refill the feeder but I was certain if I scared it off it wouldn't come back for a long time. I'll fill it up in a couple days once I've gotten a new bag of birdseed too.

Dad's rose is still throwing out flowers. It was very windy this afternoon and as I sat here at the laptop trying to make myself focus on writing (without much success) I kept seeing this rose bob into view out of the corner of my eye. I waited until the wind died down just before sundown to take the picture otherwise it would have been too blurry because it was waving around so much.

The gold mums have all bloomed. The plant is supposed to be dome shaped but it doesn't seem to be able to organize itself into the correct shape. That's okay, I like the color of the flowers so the shape of the plant doesn't bother me.

The bronze mums plant is more the right shape. It too is blooming like crazy.

I decided to try drawing a tree with watercolor pencils and then smudging the color with a water brush pen. I should have colored it a lot darker so that it showed up better but I didn't. I do like the way the tree trunk turned out and the water. The grasses in the foreground are okay but the tree's leaves are not.

The Seaview was republished today with the new cover and blurb. When I looked at the sales page it had the old description instead of the new blurb. I forgot to change it. So I went back in and did that and then had to wait for it to be republished with the change. Now it's the way I want it. And I printed off the blurbs for Open For Business and Horizon to buckle down and rewrite them using the format I got from Ad School. I'll change Open For Business's cover as soon as I get the final files in a day or two and then add the new blurb when I write it. Horizon's cover is fine, it just needs a new blurb. I'll have to check the other two titles too because I'm sure they need rewriting too.

I went to the grocery this afternoon for pineapple and some cheese and crackers for the get-together tomorrow night. I also stopped to fill the gas tank and was happy when I got out of the car that the gas station was blocking the wind. It was fierce today. I took a walk tonight after supper when it was less windy and took a shower when I got home. If I don't shower in the evening it takes me forever to manage to get into the shower in the morning and I have to be on Zoom at 10, so evening shower it is.

Did I tell you that I sold 6 books last week? Two to The Clearing bookstore for stock and four to people at the Friday night Show & Tell. Hooray!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

It is definitely woodpecker week in your world. Interesting to see three variations of that noisy guy. Congrats on selling more books.