Monday, September 9, 2019

Reality is Being Home

It's amazing how different I feel when I'm away.  The lack of "should" and "have to" is kind of dizzying and a real shock when it returns with a bump as I step back into the house and my routine.  I'm not foolish enough to think that I can be on perpetual vacation but maybe I can hang onto a shred of that vacation mindset...

This morning even before yoga and breakfast I stirred together a batch of  Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread out of the original Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day cookbook. It's half white and half wheat flour with a little rye and some flax seed meal for good measure, honey, and butter too.  I let it rise for a few hours until it stopped rising and fell back, then it got put in the fridge.  Tomorrow morning I'll dig out a glob, shape it, let it rise, and bake a loaf of yummy bread.  I've been thinking about making bread lately (DS makes it often, as does knitter friend CS) and remembered that I have a slicer so I can make the slices as thin as I want so they're more in line with WW. This way might lay madness but I figure I can offload the bread if it proves too tempting.

I finished this newborn hat in Montana but didn't have pompom tools so I finished that today...

and then I went to Joann Fabrics to spend my birthday gift card and some expiring coupons let me get more for my money.  Hooray!  I need more solid color dresses (yes, I know that there's a print in the pile) because I have striped and print knits to make long sleeved tee shirts with.  Now I can cut out some shirts for fall.  Sew them up too.

I made myself a nice spinach salad for supper with a mini cuke, some thawed out meatballs, and a handful of cherry tomatoes from the garden.  There are still quite a few green ones still out there so I'll have fresh tomatoes for a while.  I picked up more lettuce and spinach seeds yesterday that I plan to sow tomorrow so I'll have more of those leafy greens until frost.

Fleet Farm didn't have rat poison either..  They had the same stuff that the garden center had so I guess, unless I waylay some geezer and make off with his Warfarin, I'm S.O.L.

Good night.  Fingers crossed the laptop comes home tomorrow.  This thing is driving me nuts... and it's not a long drive lately.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Maybe it's against the law to sell rat poison. When we had a "visitor" on the lanai, our yard guy put out traps. Hard to come down to earth after your two-week escape to wonderland. If we're gone for just a weekend, it can be a struggle to face real life again. But that bread should help.