Sunday, November 12, 2017

I Sunday-ed the Daylights Outta Today

Meaning I didn't get dressed.  I did, however, brush my teeth and comb my hair.  It was kind of fun but kind of depressing, I don't know why.

Instead I read the Sunday paper then sat on the couch and embroidered letters on DIL1's Rebel Girl hat.  Made the D to finish KIND, then changed yarn color to embroider SMART.  I wish I could figure out another way to make that M.  It takes up 5 columns of stitches, the rest of the letters only take 3, but I tried a few different ways to chart it but it ended up looking like an N so I just went with the 5-column version.  It's not like these hats will be entered in a contest or anything.

Then I turned the hat over and started on STRONG but goofed up the R so I had to pick out the stitches and take another run at it.  I'm hoping to get all the words done on this hat before hitting the hay tonight.  This takes longer than I thought it would or maybe I'm not a fast stitcher.  Probably both.

I was happy to see last night when I was closing the patio door drape that the new birdbath heater had thawed the glacier.  Worth every nickel.

This morning's representative of the woodpecker family was this male Downy concentrating on getting himself some yummy suet and seeds for breakfast.

November 12--Yellow Vase: J. Lotz Witwe Glassworks; Blue Vase: Michael Powolny.  Sheila had always loved Gran's glass vases.  On every visit she waited for just the right moment to ask Gran to take them down, one by one, to tell the story of where the vase came from and who gave it to her.  "This one came from Aunt Mamie," she said cradling the yellow one in her hands, "she got it in Paris when she went to art school."  Her fingers with their pale fragile skin would stroke the vase as if it were the cheek of a loved one.  "The blue dotted one your Gramps brought me when he went to New Orleans on business."  As she got older Sheila began to hear air quotes in Gran's voice when she said the word "business," but she never dared to ask what they meant.

Ooh, I'm thinking Gramps was being a naughty boy in the Big Easy.  It warmed up a bit today and was sunny until the middle of the afternoon so most of the snow is gone.  I should probably have gotten dressed and moved the snowblower into the garage.  I can do that tomorrow when it's supposed to be even warmer.  Maybe then the hose won't be frozen onto the spigot in the garage and I can remove it first.  Think warm thoughts.  Off to embroider letters on a hat.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

As you were struggling around trying to make that M smaller, you were probably thinking "This rebel girl is frustrated!" At least you don't have to embroider that word on those cute hats. Glad the birdbath is thawed and the snow has melted. AND the Pack beat the Bears.