Saturday, February 21, 2009

Snow? Again?

Did you order snow? I sure didn't. Just what I need on top of having to work all day. Sheesh.

I'm getting this weekend's writing over with so I'm not staying up late tomorrow night to get it in, or writing on Monday and pretending I did it over the weekend. Not that I would ever do that. No, not me.

February 21 & 22--American School, George Washington on Horseback. "Happy birthday to you..." The gathered family and friends sang with gusto, not necessarily in unison and some closer to being in tune than others. He was tired of sitting through all the speeches and stories that people were determined to tell at times like this. It seemed to him that they got longer and more pointless every year. Can't they hurry up, he thought. My nuts are numb from sitting like this and the horse is drawing flies from the next county. I've lost all feeling in my right arm too. Why I couldn't just be wearing my damned hat I will never know. And it's hot in this monkey suit. Why couldn't I wear a comfortable pair of pants and just a shirt instead of these stupid satin breeches and a tail coat? "Happy birthday, dear George, happy birthday to you." Finally the singing ended and the Father of Our Country lowered his arm and slid off his horse, landing with only a tiny stagger. A groom came to lead the horse away and the president thanked him. He shifted his false teeth a bit and smiled at his family. "Let's have some cake." The adults laughed and the children cheered.

Not bad, if I do say so myself. It could have happened.

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