Friday, February 6, 2009

Mustering Up My Motivation

I'm having a slight crisis of motivation today. I slept later and am not moving very quickly. And I could nap. I really could, but I won't because I am a dedicated and diligent writer woman. *ahem* Way to pep talk, Barbara. I hope you got something out of last night's exercises. I think I did.

February 6, 2009--French School, Gideon and the Fleece. Bonnie stood looking at the painting. Allegory, that's what it must be, she thought. No one could walk, much less ride, with a halberd on a pole that long. She leaned across the dark green velvet rope to try to see more detail. The sheep, which looked more like a pig to her, was splayed on the ground and seemed to be crawling with fleas or mites or some kind of bugs. She squinted and it looked like the fleas or bugs were rising in a column up through a scrawny tree to an angel kneeling in the sky. Kneeling in the sky? Bonnie thought. Who painted this thing? Gideon looked more than a little stiff in his leather and bronze armor. Poor Gideon. Who'd believe him when he got to town that he saw and angel in the sky and a buggy sheep? They'd probably be too busy making fun of his long pole and girlish armor. Bonnie shook her head and moved on.

Now Bonnie's in a museum in France. The woman sure gets around, doesn't she?

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