Wednesday, February 11, 2009

(In my best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice...) ..."It's not a tumor!"

I finally went to the doctor yesterday because I've been feeling unwell for months now -- ever since the whole bleeding stomach incident. I was starting to get really paranoid because the pain spread from my abdomen to my back and side, and especially there I swear it felt like there was something inside of me that wasn't always there. It turns out that my internal organs have decided to rearrange themselves -- my intestine has decided to take over the world, or at least my abdominal cavity, and it wraps up around my stomach. Turns out the thing I can feel in my back and side is my bowel. Eew! Anyway, as the doctor said, it's definitely not normal, but he doesn't think I'm dying. It does explain a lot, though, and hopefully he'll get me straightened out and I'll have more energy again. Back to the writing board! Anyway, my bowel adventures brought this little writing gem out of me today. Not long, but a start:

The band was called The White Rose, and Sophie was the slut of the group. This carried onto the stage, where in numbers like "Chrystanthemum" and "Don't You Call Me Stupid," Sophie would prance around the stage playing the accordion with inappropriate body parts, and the men would go wild and the women's libbers would pound their fists into the air.

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