Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Great Void

I have to say this is the absolute driest, most desolate writing block, or more accurately, blank I've had since I stepped onto this odyssey almost 10 years ago. I look at my notebooks, magazines, and how-to books and can't for the life of me figure out what I found so fascinating about them. I hope that the accomplishment of the nuptulation on May 17 and the attendant craziness surrounding it, I will rediscover my writer self and get back to being able to put words on paper. I'd better, or the 2k I'm spending at The Clearing this summer will be wasted. This driest of dry spells can't be the end. It just can't.

Thanks for the kind words about my poem, Bob. I'm determined to stare at a blank page for a while today. Maybe one of the poetry prompts will spark a response. Anything, even a haiku. Please?

--Barbara :-(

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