Sunday, September 15, 2024

Not A Picture Day

I had small company this morning and into the afternoon, then I worked on critiques for tomorrow so I didn't take pictures of any of that.

I folded a basket of laundry, mostly undies and socks, and I didn't take pictures of that either.

What I did take a picture of was this drawing I made out of 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish. Of all of the figures on the page I think I like the little crab the best. Some of the others look to me like my eyes aren't well-connected to my hand. Every time I think that I'm getting better at drawing I have a day when none of the things I try to draw satisfy me. Oh well, I'll keep working at it.

I got to deliver OJ to a birthday party this morning, managing to get home the back way so I didn't have to buck the game traffic on the highway, and then LC found a punch card from a cafe in the neighborhood that only needed one more punch for a free meal so she suggested that we go there for lunch. So we did. We had burgers, big burgers, that we made totally go away. My burger was so big that I had a cheese stick for supper. It was delicious. The burger, I mean, although the cheese stick wasn't bad.

For most of the afternoon (after the laundry folding) I sat here reading the manuscript making small changes hoping for inspiration. Nothing came but I don't feel bad about it. I have faith that it'll come. Soon.

Man, it was hot again today. I felt sorry for the people at the football game. I'm sure they were roasting because there didn't seem to be any breeze. Another reason to be thankful for air conditioning.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Doesn't sound like football weather in GB. But the loyal Cheeseheads did get to see the Pack notch a win. Nice you had fun with the kids.