Monday, September 16, 2024

Half of a Bear

Tonight after supper I sat down with an audiobook and the Gray Bear. I'm working on the head and got to the halfway point. The next row starts the back of the bear--or the front depending on where I embroider the face. I'm a little worried that I'll be playing yarn chicken when I get to the legs but since there's no info about how much yarn it takes and I'm using thicker yarn anyway, I'm just kinda winging it. (psst: I just checked the Michaels website and there are 5 skeins of the same color at the store about 3 blocks from here. Guess where I'm going tomorrow.)

A flock of Sparrows showed up on the feeders today. Lately they've been coming in larger numbers and investigating every feeder. These three set the round feeder slowly spinning while they pecked to see if they could find any goodies.

This pair of Sparrows are two of the bathers. There were two more but they moved on. One of them was standing on the little island in the center of the birdbath and tried flapping around but didn't really get wet. I could see how puzzled it was and then it moved into the deeper water and was happier.

This morning I had my critique group Zoom and got some useful comments that I hurried to implement in the manuscript. I'm pleased that I'm not getting rafts of comments taking it to mean that I'm getting better at this writing gig. In the afternoon I pulled out my trusty notebook and pencil, wrote 2 pages, typed them into the Alphasmart, and uploaded them into Word. This was a suggestion made by one of the critters this morning so I'm taking the idea out for a spin.

Drawing today was from 20 Ways to Draw a Tree. I'm not overly thrilled with any of these drawings but I'm always glad that I draw.

And I remembered to make time to draw a gratitude page. I took a little walk tonight and came back pretty breathless. Dang it, I need to be less sedentary but everything I like to do I do sitting down. Drawing, writing, knitting are all done in a seated position. I need to force myself to go walk when it cools off after supper every day. Yeah, we'll see how that goes.

I had another BLT for supper with a little cup of gazpacho chaser. I have got to eat those tomatoes I overbought and that soup isn't going to stay fresh forever. The precooked chicken bacon is back on the shopping list. It's not great, but it's better than no bacon at all.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I suggested to Paul the other evening that we take a walk. He knew I was kidding. It's too hot and I'm too lazy. But glad to read you're doing it. Good girl.