Friday, September 20, 2024

A Clear Shot

I don't know when I've gotten a clearer shot of a bird than I got this morning. The Downy Woodpecker was back for a Slinky ride and then a suet cakes snack. I took a picture of her on the Slinky and one on the suet and the Slinky one is so sharp and clear I can't believe it. Why can't all my photos be that sharp? You can even see the gleam in her eye!

Instead of writing today I read through an Anguilla Travel Guide I got on Kindle a while back and made copious notes. One thing that never occurred to me was if Rose needed a visa or how she would establish residency so I did some online searching too and found all kinds of information. You can find all sorts of stuff on the interwebs!

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I finished knitting the Gray Bear and clipped it together so it looks more like a bear and less like a pelt. Next I'll embroider on the face, then sew it up almost all around, stitch across the corners of the head to make the ears, and then stuff it. Then I'll knit it a scarf out of the variegated yarn to tie around its neck. I have to remember to make the scarf longer than the pattern calls for because I used thicker yarn so the bear is bigger.

I went off and got a haircut today and then stopped to pick up a couple Rxs on my way home. The pharmacy tech asked if I wanted to get a flu shot and COVID booster while I was there and I said, "Why not?" So I hung around for about 10 minutes, got the shots (one in each arm), and came on home to eat lunch and then Zoom with my writing friend cda until her physical therapist showed up.

After that I decided that I'd take the first chapter of Spies Don't Retire along to The Clearing to read when it's my turn to get critiqued. Now I just have to print off 11 copies of 8 pages and I'll be ready. Well, except for packing and stuff like that.

I'm reading, well, listening to Richard Osman's new book, We Solve Murders. It's not one of The Thursday Murder Club books, which is a disappointment because I like them so much, but once I got past the first chapter, where he sets up the story and it's a little confusing, I'm enjoying it.


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