Monday, September 2, 2024

A Writerly Day

I had an idea for something to add to the scene I wrote yesterday when I was in the shower this morning and I was lucky enough to remember it. I was afraid that the idea would dissolve or dissipate but I managed to hold it in my mind long enough to get dressed and get to the computer. Whew. In one of the webinars I attended through Wisconsin Writers Assn. the speaker said to put worry and trouble on every page. That's hard for me to do but I'm trying. I am finally noticing the frequency of trouble in the books that I listen to so maybe I'm learning something.

Then in the afternoon I listened to five chapters of Open For Business, only thirteen more to go. For some reason I'm having trouble sticking to the job but I'm determined to get it done in the next couple days.

My birthday bouquet has fully bloomed. The Peruvian lilies (alstromeria) have opened and they're surrounding the six roses with color. It's sitting on the table and I'm really enjoying it. Thanks again, DD!

I got to start back at the beginning of 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish this afternoon. I know that the one on the top left doesn't look like a traditional jellyfish but it's on the page and it kind of reminds me of the upside down jellyfish we saw in the Keys a bajillion years ago.

After another BLT for supper (so good!) I sat down thinking I'd watch Jeopardy! only to find a college volleyball game on. So I picked up the Ribbed Preemie Hat and knitted a few rounds on it. Then I dug out the Zauber Crazy Sock and knitted a couple rounds on the gusset but I think I'll save that for knitting this weekend at CS's cottage.

I mostly worked on and thought about writing stuff today. Tomorrow I plan to listen to at least half of the remaining audio files so that I can finish on Wednesday. I had planned to listen to a bunch of chapters yesterday but I managed to write that scuba diving scene first and then it was my birthday and I really didn't want to work on my birthday. So I didn't.

It was sunny today and got into the mid-70s, almost perfect weather if only the humidity wasn't in the mid-70s too. But if I didn't have the weather to complain about I'd have nothing.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Does having bad weather count as trouble or worry? It's aggravating, that's for sure. Rainy every afternoon down here. Bah!!