Tuesday, September 17, 2024

An Expensive Fall

I went to Michaels and I fell down on my credit card and bought a bunch of stuff that I didn't intend to buy. I intended to buy a skein of yarn and that was all so I didn't get a cart or a basket. The skein of gray yarn (if I need it for the Gray Bear) is twice the size of the one I started with so I'll for sure have yarn left over. Too bad about my yarn buying diet. This is the first yarn I've bought in over a year. That should tell you how much yarn I have on hand.

They they had a price reduction on sketchbooks so I picked out one of those. But the big fall was at the art books rack. I found this watercolor/ink book for beginners so I picked it up, then I saw the 15-Minute Artist book and it was on sale so I picked that up too. 

When I got home I pulled out my current sketchbook and turned to the first page of the 15-Minute Artist book. It was an elephant. I had to pull out the tin of drawing pencils and a kneaded eraser and plunge in. It didn't turn out too badly. I think that the drawing is better than the shading.

I was going to turn to the first page of the new watercolor book but then I thought that I really should finish the last few paintings in the Ink & Wash Florals book, so I taped paper to a plexiglass panel, wet the paints, and gave it a go. It's peonies and lilacs. It's okay. Better than I thought it'd be. While the paint dried in between steps I came back here and worked on finishing the scene I started yesterday and finding a place to slot it into the manuscript. That's okay too.

I had to go to the grocery for bananas today and when I leaned down to grab a shopping bag saw a fuzzy white ball next to the basket the bags are in. It was an escaped skein of novelty yarn! I'm not going to chase down the lady I gave it all to, I'll just have one skein in my stash instead of a bin full.

The two skeins of Red Heart Soft yarn in the color toast that I ordered when I didn't think I'd have enough to knit the first bear came today. I had enough yarn for that bear so now I have two more full skeins in case I want to knit another Toast Bear or something else with that color yarn. It's a good yarn for chemo hats and preemie hats because it's so soft. It won't go to waste.

When I was almost done doing yoga this morning I saw this Goldfinch land on the crook. It stayed long enough for me to finish the pose, take the picture, and then do the last pose. I can't decide if it's a juvenile from this season's nests or a male that's already changing color. I hope it's the first reason and not the latter.

I took another walk tonight. That's two in a row. I'm on a roll!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Oh my goodness. When I saw your headline, I thought you actually fell and broke a bone!! Whew! Better your credit card than your ankle.