Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Look What I Got!

There was only one envelope in the mailbox today but what was inside was the most amazing thing I've seen in a long time. It's a birthday greeting unlike any I've ever received. It's an antique and it's a fan. I have a collection of fans. This is from my amazing aunt who shares my first name. Thanks, Aunt B! I can't stop looking at it. It's gorgeous!

The Cardinal landed on the platform feeder today and immediately lunged at the little House Finch on the feeder to drive it away. I am constantly amazed at the bully tendencies of such a pretty and admired bird.

I looked out back and was amazed to see a flower on one of the Stella d'Oro lilies. It's been weeks and weeks since the last one bloomed and you can see that the leaves are turning yellow and brown but it's still making a flower.

Right next to the lily is the sedum that's turning pink. I dialed in the close-up lens so you can see all the little details of the flowers.

I think that I made the last rhubarb sauce of the season yesterday. Here's all that's left of the rhubarb stalks, not nearly enough to make another batch. And that's at least two plants. *sigh* It was good while it lasted.

When I got home from Writer's Guild this evening I spent a few minutes drawing from 20 Ways to Draw a Tree. I can't decide which is my favorite drawing, I like them all tonight.

I spent most of the day listening to audio files, eleven of them, with only two more to go. I ran out of time. I had to have supper and then go to Writer's Guild so I guess I'll finish up tomorrow. There are a lot fewer corrections this time so it shouldn't take TH long to fix things and then ACX will have it to quality check and then it'll be out there for people to listen to. Yay!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Better late than never. I mailed that birthday card last Wednesday and thought it would get to you by Saturday. At least it made it and was the solo card of the day. I thought of your fan collection when I saw it in a thrift store so it had your name on it right from the beginning. Happy Birthday again!