Wednesday, September 11, 2024


So cute! I kept seeing something flash past on the patio and it finally held still long enough for me to see that it was a baby bunny. It took a few more minutes for it to hold still long enough for me to take a picture.

Here's the tallest of Dad's roses. It's way up by the soffit and all I can see is the underside of the petals. There's probably five or six roses blooming right now. A late summer flurry of flowers.

I think these weedy things on the retaining wall are perennial asters. I keep trying to yank them out but this summer I just let all the weeds grow. I know, I'm a bad person but I just didn't have the motivation to get out there in the heat and sun to weed that whole hundred and ten feet of retaining wall. It's just too much. I'll do better next year. See the bee?

After lunch I drove over to DePere to pick up a bag of novelty yarn that KE was going to give to Goodwill but left out for me to add to the bin of yarn that I'm giving to RP, the lady I met in the dentist's office last week. This is a lot of fuzzy yarn!

When I got home I pulled out my sketchbook and drew a few figures out of 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish. I'm happy with the way they all turned out but I think I like the whale the best. Or maybe the angelfish.

After supper I sat down and embroidered the face on the Toast Teddy Bear, finished seaming it up, stuffed it and sewed up the bottom. Then I cast on stitches for the scarf and just finished that before coming back here to blog. I think it turned out pretty well. I'm glad I got the extra squishy fiberfill. It'll be easy for a little one to grab and gum. Plus it's washable so if it gets gakked on it'll clean up just fine.

I spent an hour or so working on the scene I wrote the other day. I had to add the worry and trouble. I think I'm getting better at putting it in. Next I need to express emotion. I'm not very good at that.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I love the picture of the "weeds" and bee. And who decides what's a weed and what's a flower? I'm calling those cute flowers and think you shouldn't worry about pulling them out next year. They're as cute as that baby bunny.