Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Not Just Knitting

I didn't go anywhere today. Well, I went outside a few times to take flower pictures and to fill the bird feeders but I didn't drive away so I had lots of time to do lots of things. First thing after my shower I came back here and got busy with the manuscript. I had the beginning of a scene that I wrote the other day and decided to see if I couldn't enlarge it. So I got out my notebook and pencil since I'd had luck with it last week and wrote two pages. Then I wanted to put it on the computer but it's too hard to balance the notebook on the small laptop shelf of my desk. I thought for a minute and got out my trusty old Alphasmart which is a little word processor that I can type things into and then hook it up to the computer and download the file into a Word doc. Easy peasy.

Then I filled the feeders and as usual spilled a little seed but this chipmunk was quick to come out and clean up the spill. It kept darting out and then back into hiding so it took me a few tries before I managed to get this picture.


When I took the cob corn up to fill those feeders I saw all of the bees on the bronze sedum so I had to go inside for the camera and back out to take pictures of them. There were lots of bees but this one posed the most so it gets to be on the blog.

The only bird that showed up to take advantage of the feeders then was this Downy Woodpecker that hung itself on the bottom of the feeder so that it could peck both suet cakes one after the other. I also saw a flash of iridescent green at the Oriole feeder and realized as it flew away that it was a Hummingbird! I haven't seen one of those in a long time and don't have a Hummingbird feeder hung out.

I looked out the window next to my desk and noticed that Dad's rose has really burst forth with new flowers. One of them is so high over my head that all I can see is the underside of the petals. But this glorious rosebud posed just at my eye level. Thanks, Dad.

Last weekend up at CS's cabin (which is really a cottage they call a cabin) KE brought mum plants for the two birthday girls (CS and me) and she brought another one for DM as a housewarming gift. Isn't it a pretty color?

Once I hit a blank spot in my writing I got out Drawing Cute and drew a pancake and some peas. I like 'em.

It was only after supper, during Jeopardy!, Finding Your Roots, and the Presidential Debate that I picked up my teddy knitting and finished knitting the whole flat bear. I dug out my knitting clips and put it together. I embroidered the face on but when I looked at it realized that the face was off-center so I picked it out and will redo it. We can't have a cockeyed bear, now, can we? BTW, I had plenty of the toast yarn to knit the bear and sew it up so the two skeins on their way are surplus. Oh well, it won't go to waste.

I love days like this. Days when I bop from project to project, getting things done, and having fun. Tomorrow I'll drive over to KE's to pick up a bag of novelty yarn that she was going to take to Goodwill but now is letting me donate it to the knitting lady I met at the dentist's last week. I'll get in touch with her to arrange a meeting tomorrow afternoon or Thursday and hand off the bin and bag of yarn. Good riddance.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I love days like that too. Having fun at home doing whatever you you want to do.