Thursday, September 5, 2024


I took time from making a packing list and making Farro Salad to draw a bit out of 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly. I like the little dove on the right side of the page but I think I like the big bee at the top the best even though it doesn't have a stinger.

When I was making the salad to take along this weekend a storm raced through and there was a big crack of thunder and the power blinked out just long enough to make all of the clocks flash and then it came back on. It didn't affect my salad-making ability. I had already cooked and cooled the farro and was cutting up all of the scallions, chicken breast, and bell pepper to put in it. By the time I needed the electric shredder for the carrots the power was back on so I didn't have to shred a zillion baby carrots by hand. Naturally I neglected to go out to snip some basil for the dressing until it started to rain so I got a little wet. I didn't melt.

I even made time this afternoon to draw a gratitude journal page for the first time this month. I didn't realize that I had been so lazy or distracted that I didn't make any, not even for my birthday. I suppose I could go back and work one up for the day but I've already drawn yesterday's page this morning and today's page this afternoon so a Sept. 1 page would be out of order and my rigid Germanic sensibilities wouldn't tolerate that.

I've been thinking of casting on a Double-thick Washcloth for a week or so, so I did. I might have picked the wrong yarn to make it easy to read my knitting but it'll be okay. I'll just keep track of whether I'm on the right side or the wrong side and rely on Knit Companion on my iPad to help keep me in line.

Speaking of knitting, I was in the dentist office waiting room when a woman came in, sat down, and pulled out a fingerless mitt she was knitting for charity. She was using some of that old floofy novelty yarn that was all the rage years ago and I commented that I have a bin of the stuff that I don't know what to do with and did she want it. I gave her my card and got an email from her this morning. I called her and we'll work out a time and place to meet next week so I can unload my bin of "I can't believe I bought this" yarn or at least some of it. Woohoo!

I got a quick call from my knitting pal MW this afternoon asking me to listen to a show on Wisconsin Public Radio for him because he had some business to take care of. They were going to talk about a library that has almost 2000 copies of the same book title and only that book title. It took me a while to figure out how to listen to live radio on my computer but I managed and listened for about 45 minutes thinking I'd missed the segment but with only 5 minutes left they talked about a library on the island of Dure off the coast of Scotland with 1,984 copies of 1984, George Orwell's masterwork. The library is touring around Europe and they're looking for funding to build a permanent home for it on the Scottish island where Orwell lived, worked, and died. MW called when his business was concluded so I could tell him what he missed.

Tomorrow I'm off with a couple knitting friends to spend the weekend at another knitting friend's cottage up north. Naturally it's supposed to be in the 60s the next couple days and we'll be by a lake so I'll be wearing long sleeves, long pants, socks & shoes, and a hoodie. Wasn't it just a week ago that we were sweating like hogs and complaining about the humidity? Anyway, I won't be blogging for a couple nights. See you on Sunday!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Crazy weather all over the place. We had a flash of lightning go right through the living room last night!! Then the biggest clap of thunder ever!! Never saw lightning like that before. Have fun on your get-away.