Monday, June 19, 2017

Where Do You Go to Unwind?

If you're me, you go look at water, that's what you do.  Yesterday afternoon I loaded up my lemon-lime-orangeade, my laptop, a little knitting, and a few clean clothes and tootled down I-43 to Kohler-Andrae State Park, just south of Sheboygan to visit a camping friend, sit and look at the lake until I was cross-eyed, then go back to her campsite for supper cooked on the fire.  We did weenies on long forks and she made foil packets of red bell pepper and broccoli, some curried ramen noodles, and a packet of mushrooms on the fire.  All was delicious and filling.  Then we sat and talked, watching the fire, until we got tired and I, too old to sleep on the ground, went to my motel for the night.  Ahh.

What do you do when you wake up out of town and are too cheap and too lazy to go out and find a newspaper?  Why, you copy the Jumble and the Sudoku off the online version of the paper into your Bullet Journal, that's what you do.   I hope they never do away with paper newspapers.  I really enjoy my time sitting with my mug of coffee, slowly turning the big pages, reading news local, national, and international, seeing pictures of exotic places and around the corner, reading the comics and the advice columns, then hunkering down with a pencil and tackling the Jumble, Sudoku, and crossword puzzles.  See?  I've been practicing retirement.  I like it.

As I was leaving the house yesterday I noticed that the first blossoms on Dad's Rose have opened.  Hooray!  Just in time for Father's Day.  Hmm, funny how that worked out.

I didn't knit at the campfire.  I didn't want my yarn/project to smell like wood smoke--like my clothes do and my hair did until I showered.  I promise I'll knit today so I'll have something to show you tomorrow.  Promise.

June 19--Claude Monet, Lilies in a Pond.  The tall thin leaves were thick at the edge of the pond.  Grandma used to say that some of her favorite flowers like to live with wet feet.  I love lilies and  these lilies are like that.  I was glad to see the bright, yellow-green shoots muscle their way through last year's brown and crumpled stalks full of wind-blown leaves.  Soon stems would appear with buds ready to open in a blaze of pink, lavender, and orange.

I was tired last night.  I'm not used to scaling sand dunes or walking along woodland paths with tree roots ready to trip a person up at every step.  Speaking of walking, I think I'll go for one.  

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

What a perfect little time out from everyday living. You're lucky to have those interesting friends to meet up with every once in a while. Like you, I'd choose the motel over sleeping on the ground. Glad you didn't have to miss your puzzles. Very enterprising!