Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm Happy for You

I'm barely on speaking terms with mine. (No, not really, it just seemed like the right response.) I've never seen the Vagina Monologues but my daughter was in it a few times in college. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Writer's won't be the same without you, Bob. I hope you decompress or find your muse or whatever it is you need to feel it's time to come back to us soon. Good luck!

February 14 & 15--Auguste Rodin, The Kiss. How perfectly predictable that this is the art for Valentine's weekend. Couldn't the editor have used a little imagination making a selection? There have to be a zillion pieces of art about love and lovers. Open your eyes, people, don't got for the obvious. My first thought looking at the sculpture is that I hope the models were showered and had cleaned their teeth recently. Romantic, huh? Oh, I marvel at Rodin's ability to make hard stone look like soft flesh too. I mean I'm not a complete philistine, but I want to know more about the making than the outcome.

Hope your Valentine's day went according to plan.

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