Sunday, November 16, 2008

It was a weekend of words....

It was the perfect weekend to get caught up as I went two days with little to no writing...for shame, for shame!

The story is taking twists I had never even considered, but it is kinda fun to see where this work is taking me. As of now, the total word count is 27,685. I cannot believe the month is now half over and we only have 13 more days left in this crazy challenge.

To appease my fellow writer's, here is a brief snippet of my is untitled as of yet, but I'm sure that will come to me at some point.

Michael grabbed the second hotdog on his plate with his left hand and tapped it against his lips a few time deep in thought about what his father had told him. “Daddy, did Mommy get sad because of me? Does Mommy need to be alone because of me?”

Pain ran through Allan’s heart hearing the honest questions from his son. Children are so much smarter than we give them credit for, Allan thought to him in amazement. “Champ, your Mommy loves you and just needs time to herself. That is all.”

Michael took a small bite of his hotdog, placing the remainder back on his plate and chewed silently. “Daddy, can I be excused? I am not very hungry now.”

“Sure Champ. What are you going to do now?”

“I just need to be alone for a little while Daddy. Like Mommy.”

Allan just nodded his head watching his son head upstairs to think about yet another bad hand that life had dealt him.

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