Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 13--Even Better

Not so much word count-wise but I'm in a better frame of mind, so I have high hopes for the next three days that I will get caught up and even a bit ahead. I'm keeping my fingers crossed (which makes it a bit hard to type but I'm managing).

Great meeting last night, you guys. Awesome poems, Bob, and very inspiring critiques. I love it when we have a lot of give and take, trading ideas, ooh, pumps me right up.

Jennifer, I hope next time you'll go out for cheese because we seldom stay longer than an hour and only Bob had a beer, we girls had cranberry juice. Why, yes, we do live for adventure!

Jenny, I loved the prompts; their gruesomeness and sheer wackiness made a dreary rainy night fun. Thanks. I am impressed with your flurry of submissions too. Wanna do mine?

Line of the Day:
Jack overbalanced onto the foot of the bed as he tried to take off his slacks and keep looking at her. He lay there on his back kicking his foot to try and get the slacks off and they were flapping back and forth like a pennant in a strong wind and he kept talking while holding the end of his thigh and frowning while grunting and working his leg up and down to try and dislodge the fabric. Mona could feel her effort to suppress her laughter shaking the bed but Jack's antics were shaking the bed enough that he did not notice. "So we are going to a cocktail party at Major George's tomorrow night. His missus will call you. I forget her name." He finally kicked his slacks off and turned to her grinning like he expected praise for the accomplishment.

Daily total: 986 words
Running total: 20,145 words

Write on!

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