Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 12--Getting A Bit Better

Yesterday was a better day. Most of what I wrote was stream of consciousness, working out parts of the story on paper, but it counts. I'm still about 1000 words off pace but I'm gaining. I'm taking Alphie back to work with me and working him hard again. He'll complain, I know, but I won't listen. I'll just keep poking him until I get what I want.

Line of the day:
Lucia gets there on the arm of the notary Pietr Smit. We have not seen much of him yet. I need to focus one day’s writing on fleshing out his character and pumping up the contrast and the rivalry between Burke and Piet. What is Piet like? He is tall and thin and very blond. He is Dutch from Holland and he had come for a vacation when he was out of law school and stayed. That was almost ten years ago. He built a practice doing legal work for expats, oh, that is how he knows George and Susan and how he and Lucia get to the party so all characters can meet.

Daily total: 1,771 words
Running total: 19,159 words

See you tonight!

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