Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Yes, Jellicoe is cool. What was the other name (the robot's?)? That was a good one, too. Eldon's not too shabby either. This isn't an epiphany or really a response to any prompt. It's just what came, and I'm overdue.

The twins, they say, were so evil that they killed their parents on the night they were born. They certainly looked the part, what with their sheeny black hair and their paper skin (looseleaf white, haphazardly lined with blue veins). In the alley where they lived, they tore into rats and cockroaches and dumpster trash with their canines, pointed into fangs. Azrael and Sariel were their names, and some say they were two incarnations of the same soul -- two bodies, one being.

Tomorrow if you're in the neighborhood you should stop by Barnes & Noble. Our music remodel is done, with just a few touch-ups left in the gift area on the bookfloor, and you can see what's been taking over my life the last 2 weeks. When my blood pressure goes back to normal, I hope at very least these little prompt or postcard things will come easier.

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