Sunday, July 13, 2008

Possibly the Longest Prompt in the Book

Hold onto your notebooks, kiddies, it's supposed to be real windy today. I like the colors and the "shimmering crowd" in your paragraph, Bob.

July 12--"Throw away the lights, the definitions and say what you see in the dark." (after Wallace Stevens)--The thin blue-green glow of phosphorescence trailed off my fingers as I pulled them through the dark water. With our lights turned off and the reef illuminated only by the pale blue light of the moon, the cold fire of the minute creatures that live unseen in the water column seems like magic. My focus shortened to the tips of my fingers and the distant sounds of the surf and the snapping shrimp receded. I settled gently onto the sand barren between the rocky shore and the drop-off, careful not to crush any tube anemones that had emerged like nocturnal blooming flowers from the seemingly empty sea floor. My light floated from my wrist on its lanyard like a rectangular balloon as I played the phosphorescence like a virtuoso pianist at the climax of a symphony. Sleek silver tarpon flashed by at the edge of vision, their prehistoric stainless steel scales magnifying the moonlight as they stalked their unsuspecting prey.

I don't even know who Wallace Stevens is. I'll Google him later.

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