Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Well, That Bites

Jenny, I thought you were the one who made the schedules, or did you get promoted beyond that? You need to up your scheduling-person bribes so you don't close one night and open the next day. Seriously, they've got it backwards--open one day, close the next one would work soooo much better. Your quick scribble is interesting and, sadly, too true.

July 21--Write about packing a suitcase--With each item that goes into my suitcase the butterflies in my stomach get bigger. Don't get me wrong, I really want to go (really, really, really) but the whole craziness of the getting there is what makes me nervous. What if my cab doesn't come on time and I get to the airport with less than two hours before my international flight? What if there's more than three ounces of lotion or toothpaste in my quart ziplock bag? What if I have the wrong kind of ziplock bag? What if I miss a connection? What if? What if? What if? My mind churns like a demented hamster on a wheel. There's a calm adult voice in the back that smiles indulgently at the crazy hamster part of me, sure that despite any glitches I will eventually arrive at my destination. With each trip I try to scootch my suitcase closer to that calm adult voice. Sometimes I think I might succeed.

You'd think I'd get less nervous with each trip instead of more. Oh well. Off to make some lotion. Have a day. See you Thursday with Bob's critique and my submission. Eek. We need to take some time and re-do the schedule too.

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