Friday, April 13, 2018

Once You Make the Right Phone Call...


Look what I got back today.  It's my lost earring.  I had almost resigned myself to never seeing it again but I thought I'd call the restaurant where we had lunch on Monday on the slim chance that someone had found it and turned it in.  No such luck but they did refer me to the Guest Services desk in the Lambeau Field Atrium where I left my name, phone number, and a description of the earring in a message.  A couple hours later a very nice woman called and said she thought that they had my earring.  I described it and she said she thought it might be the one so I stopped over late this afternoon and there it was waiting for me.  Hallelujah!  I am foolishly glad to get it back.  Ridiculously glad.  I think if the counter hadn't been so tall I'd have leaned over and kissed her.  Oh, and it was found on the roof, so I had it through lunch and half of the tour when it decided to jump ship.  I can't believe that someone found it and turned it in, but I'm so glad that they did.

Before the weather turned to crap today we went out and filled the birdfeeders.  I took a look for anything popping up and found that the rhubarb is slowly emerging.  Mm, I feel some rhubarb bread in my future.  We saw a couple almost totally yellow goldfinches too but I wasn't fast enough to take their picture.

OJ is a big fan of the yarn-made play food so I cranked out a couple more cookies for the larder.  Each one takes about 20 minutes of work and just a few yards of yarn.  This weekend I hope to make another waffle because the first one I made is too big for the toy spatula and trying to serve it frustrates him.  I'll make a new, smaller waffle and all will be well.

I worked some more on the re-do of the Montparnasse cardi sleeve.  It's almost 6 inches long and is turning out the right size.  I'll keep going.  There were only two of us at Friday Night Knitting tonight so LB and I talked about figuring out how many stitches and rows I needed to make this sweater fit.  It really helped to talk it out with someone who designs her own sweaters.  She recommends graph paper.  Good idea, I think there's some downstairs.

April 13--Workshop of Jean Fouquet, David and Goliath.  

Small determined boy
Large confident man
one well-aimed stone
tips the balance
luck versus power
innocence versus corruption
or so the nuns would have us believe.
I always thought it was just a lucky shot.

The weather doomsayers have had a field day today.  Computer graphics with garish colors and gleeful predictions of snowmageddon-quantities of the white stuff with 50 mph winds were all over the Weather Channel.  It mostly just rained today with a bit of small hail thrown in.  I was out driving around between 5 and 5:30 and the roads were just wet.  After knitting it was still raining a bit but there were patches of ice on the parking lot and there was slush to slide in on the streets.  After I got home this happened.  We'll see how accurate they are.  I've got plenty of snowblower gas.


Aunt B said...

Hallelujah Moment!!! There's something magical about Lambeau Field in the football world -- so maybe it held true for your lost earring. Oh Happy Day. Sorry you're in for more snow but that last picture could be a Christmas card -- in April!

Bob said...

There's an O Henryish story in finding your earring. I'd like to read it someday.
