Monday, April 2, 2018

Happy Bird Day!

We were lucky enough to see this pair of cardinals this morning.  The Mrs. came to the platform feeder first while the Mr. hung out in the bare apple tree for a couple minutes before flying down to join her.

Then as soon as the cardinals left this goldfinch perched on the crook to show off how yellow his feathers have gotten.

I stopped at Michael's on my way home from dropping some stuff off at Goodwill (I'm determined to keep hacking away at the mountain of superfluous crap taking up all the space in our house) and found this skein of cotton yarn that I had to buy.  No, it wasn't on sale and I didn't have a coupon but it's a color I don't have and it was only $2.  I can break my yarn diet for two bucks.

Did I show you the last of the "Sweet Somethings" I knitted?  I don't think I did.  I had cast it on and knitted one row before Friday Night Knitting, pulled it out when I got there around 6:30 and had it finished, with the tails even woven in, by going-home-time just before 9 o'clock.  I don't know why I knitted three of them and I'm not sure what I'll do with them but I like them.

After supper (Honey-Garlic Chicken Thighs in the slow cooker [yum]with steamed rutabagas on the side, all WW approved of course) I sat down and finished O's Packer Barley hat.  The kid has a generous bean so I'm hoping that it isn't too big.  If it is too big it'll probably fit LC and I'll make another one slightly smaller--but it won't be too big.  I have faith.

April 2--Kazimir Severinovich Malevich, The Head of a Peasant.

Far from the town
he stands in a field not his
except for the sweat
he pays it daily.
Without a mouth
he has no voice in his fate--
work, produce, obey the state.
The revolution backfired
took away freedom,
handed back
He has no mouth
with which to protest...
or to eat.

Yesterday I forgot to say that April 1 was not only Easter Sunday and April Fool's Day, it was also the second anniversary of the breaking of my left ankle.  Not an event I ever want to repeat.  The pain killers were good but the inactivity nearly drove me mad.  Take my advice, don't break any bones.  Ever.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Yay for birds. And pretty ones at that. I commend your cleaning out effort but when it requires a trip to Goodwill, there's always a chance that you'll come out with more than you took in. Sounds like you restrained yourself though and a $2 purchase certainly won't break the bank. Besides that, the yellow yarn looked "Spring-y"!