Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Another Sign of Spring

I took my seventh "walk to Edinburgh" this morning and at the end detoured to the end of the driveway to snag the trash bin so I could station it next to the garage door for putting away the next time I pulled the van out (the bin's too wide to fit between the van and the snowblower) and on the way to the back where I'd left the patio door unlocked I saw this clump of tiny blue-striped squills.  Each flower is about the size of my thumbnail but they gamely pop up as an early sign of spring.  I'm always happy to see them.

This purple-striped crocus is adding its color to the drab early spring days too.

I asked Durwood to take my picture wearing my latest sewing project so that you can see that the "targets" really aren't centered exactly on my boobs.  I guess this is one instance when sag is a good thing?

Tonight after supper (chicken & onions in the crockpot with a jar and a half of salsa on top that was disappointingly bland) I sat down to add some rows to the Montparnasse sleeve.  My intention was to knit
about 6" of sleeve and then wrap it around my wrist to see if it was the right size.  This is 5" worth and it isn't anywhere near the right size.  It's way too big, like a third too big, so it's off to the frog pond (ribbit! rip it!) it goes and I'll start again casting on 30 stitches instead of 45.  I guess using bigger yarn and bigger needles really does make a difference.  Duh.  At least I had the wits to start with a sleeve instead of the back of the sweater.  Better to get this far and have to rip it out than have knit the entire back of a sweater before realizing that I was once again making a Smart Car cozy size sweater.

April 11--English Photographer, Charles Darwin with Two of His Daughters.  

They both have his nose.
In that, heredity counts
more than adaptation.
How did the younger one
adapt to having her corset
laced so tight?
Her waist is so small
she looks deformed.
Makes me think she might
snap in half
with the slightest sneeze
or rough handling.

Today was one of those days.  I woke up in a pissy mood which didn't change even though the day was sunny and I took a lovely walk.  The mood hung around to pounce on me at every opportunity like a bad smell.  Nothing I did shooed it away.  I hope tomorrow will be better.  I hate days like this.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I don't know about those "targets" in your latest sewing project. Somehow they look like your boobs are smiling very invitingly. Could be dangerous. I hate those pissy days too. Hope the gray cloud has lifted by the time you read this.