We had a blast at the harness races yesterday. I think I liked it better than thoroughbred racing. It was a lot less snooty and way less crowded. I'm no better picking winners though. But we shared a funnel cake (Durwood's first!) and had fun cheering on our choices in the chilly fall overcast.
Today we'll see a play and then go out for gyros for supper. There might be some yarn shop visiting; it's too soon to tell.
October 11--Gustave Caillebotte, Sailing Boats at Argenteuil. The hot sun simmered behind the scrim of clouds. A grudging breeze filled the sails, pushing the sailboat away from the oven that was the land that year. That summer had been a fierce one all along the coast. Crops had baked in the unrelenting sun, starving for rain until they curled crisply on their stalks and died. No rain also meant that every puff of wind sliding down from the mountains picked up dust that came in through the tiniest openings making every surface gray and gritty. It also filtered down under collars and into creases making the people irritable. The only respite was to sail away from the baking land out onto the salty sea for a momentary peace in the spray.
Not bad. I like the desperate atmosphere this description gives me. Interesting things could happen in that kind of weather.
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