Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Playing with the Writer's Toolbox

Ok...Ok...I admit, I bit off more than we could chew for our first stab at the Writer's Toolbox, but it was pretty interesting seeing what we could come up with, wasn't it?

I'm taking another stab, but this time drawing only a FS (First Sentence) stick and a LS (Last Straw) stick.

The only way John could pass the exam was by cheating. Unfortunately he was a lousy cheater. Fortunately he had a clever girlfriend. John was dating Hillary, one of those aspiring fashion designers. Everyday Hillary would come to school sporting some new, funky outfit she had designed herself. Monday, the outfit would come from the local thrift store, Tuesday, it was the choice of material she used in creating the dress she was wearing. Seeing Hillary's outfit du jour was one of the reasons I enjoyed teaching at this boring, highly conservative school.

I found out about the cheating offense the day Sheila brought Hillary to my office. Sheila, aka Mrs. Swanson to her students, was John and Hillary's English Lit teacher. Hillary was wearing a simple dress made of laminated paper. It was another one of her creations in which she created her own "fabric". The dress was covered with photographs and scripting giving it an elegant, yet busy feel. I didn't understand why Hillary was brought to my office until Sheila explained that John sits behind Hillary in class. Shrugging my shoulders in confusion, Sheila asked Hillary to turn around to show me the back of the dress.

It was there that the evidence was clear. The entire dress back was covered in a scripted pattern. The script used were photocopied pages of the material the class was being tested on. I had no choice but to expell both of them, and update the dress code policy to state that only solid colored fabrics could be worn on exam days.

Bleh.....ok...I wrote something...this is harder than I thought... so back to working on my piece to give to the group in the next few weeks.

Great writings Barb...you inspire me!

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