Thursday, September 25, 2008

Equal Day & Night

Even though fall started officially on Monday, today's the day that there are 12 hours each of day and night. After today it's all downhill for the next 3 months.

Nice vignette, Jennifer. Vivid setting and characters. It's nice to know there are helpful people in NYC.

Sept. 24--Write about a door key--She found it in the corner of the dresser she had paid fifty-three dollars for at the estate sale last weekend. Ceily loved to cruise the rural sale ads in the Saturday paper and drive out into the country to an auction. She loved to stand in the shade of a big oak tree in the dooryard of a farmhouse listening to the auctioneer's patter echoing off the wall of the barn and catching snatches of gossip from the people around her. "May always loved that dining room set. Belonged to Charlie's ma, you know." Hearing things like that made Ceily feel that she was buying more than an impersonal table or dresser. It made her feel like she actually had family around her. She didn't, of course, not since Ryan had run off with his chippie of a secretary and left her alone and broke at age forty-two. She had gotten the dresser as a place to store her sewing things in and found the key on a narrow black ribbon wedged in the corner of the bottom drawer. It was one of those old keys they call skeleton keys and she wondered what lock it opened and if there was even a lock left to fit it. Maybe someone who had been at the sale with her or maybe one of May and Charlie's children, if they had any, had whatever it was that the key opened. Tomorrow she'd ask around.

That's it for me today. I suspect I'll be spending time with Ceily and her key tomorrow. Ideas abound. See you tonight.

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