Tuesday, May 28, 2024

More Rain

We had off and on rain today, mostly in the afternoon AFTER I finished my errands. Whew. I risked life and limb to climb the steepest slope in the backyard to take a picture of the lone French Iris that's blooming. There are more buds but this one is the early bloomer. I was so afraid that the wet grass would be slick, afraid that I'd fall, so I clung to the retaining wall with one hand trying to be casual about it but keeping my balance and feet under me.

You can see the raindrops on the purple Iris flowers. I tried to take pictures of the blossoms that are upright, not tipped over but so many of them are flopped together that it was a challenge.

Another tiny blue star flower opened. I was interested to see the buds behind it standing up straight waiting for their turn to open. I wonder if these early bloomers will stay open until the rest of the flowers join them.

I forgot to show you the Ladyslipper Orchids that were blooming up at The Clearing last week. They were just starting to bloom so it took a bit of searching to find them, except for this clump which was right next to the door of cabin #5. I had doorstep Trilliums at cabin #2, they had doorstep Ladyslippers.

This is Kari our watercolor teacher with the art gift that the class made for her. She showed us how to cut unsatisfactory paintings into strips and weave the strips together to make something better so one of the painters had the idea to cut plain paper into strips, gave a strip to each student, and then wove them together and mounted the weaving on another sheet of paper. We each signed our strip so she knew who did what. She was very pleased.

I did errands after lunch but before the rain. Went to U Bake for Goldfish crackers (way discounted), to Family Pet Center for birdseed, etc., to the Shell station for gas, and to Meijer for a few groceries. I can't carry the big, 40# bags of birdseed in from the garage anymore but I can drive around into the backyard and park near the patio so I only have to carry the bags a few feet to put them in the cans where they belong. It's so much more economical to buy the big bags, I just have to make sure I've got the cans stocked before the snow flies.


I got the June 1 Writing Progress email written and ready for Mailerlite to send out on Saturday. Every month I think that I won't have anything to write but when it comes time to write the email/letter I manage to fill the page. I tried to put on a picture that I painted of birches but it wouldn't copy and paste so I guess I'll just slap it on here. I think this was my best painting of the week and I did it on last Monday, the first day of class. It was kind of downhill from there.

I have to keep reminding myself that tomorrow is Wednesday and I have Novel critique group at 10am. Yesterday felt like Sunday to me and today feels like Monday even though I don't work. I'm still confused so I'll have to set an alarm so I get up, eat breakfast, do yoga, and get dressed before 10. I suppose I could just comb my hair and put on earrings. No one would know I was Zooming in my pjs since I wear a hoodie over them. Oh, bad idea. I need to be dressed. Right?



Aunt Barb said...

You must frame your picture of the birches. It's your best one yet.

Aunt Barb said...

I had a hard time signing in this morning. Hope this appears somewhere along the line.