Friday, May 3, 2024

Only Watercolor Wildlife

It was a gorgeous sunny day today but I didn't see many birds, none to take pictures of anyway. The only wildlife I have to show you is a page of watercolor butterflies. Not lifelike butterflies but made up, imaginary butterflies. Not as interesting as the page of bugs, in my opinion, but kinda fun to paint.

Today's Gratitude Journal page was a quick dash just before Friday Night Knitting Zoom. I forgot to do it in the afternoon because I was busy with my manuscript and then remembered at about 5:50pm so I quickly dredged up some gratitude for today and got it down in the book.

At Friday Night Knitting I finished the 7th ball of yarn on the Cashmere Sophie scarf and added the 8th and last ball. I played a little yarn chicken with the 7th ball and lost. I thought I had enough yarn for one more row but got 2 stitches from the end and knew I couldn't make it so I had to back up stitch by stitch. Knitters call it tinking because you're knitting backwards.


A couple weeks ago I signed onto a book site called BookBub. It's a site that advertises eBooks at lowered prices so I applied to make an Author Profile and I didn't hear and didn't hear so I contacted them yesterday. I got an email reply that they had a delay but I was approved so I could construct my Author Profile and list my books. I need to figure out how to offer my books for sale on the site. Guess I'll have to read the fine print.

This morning I went downstairs and folded the clean sheets out of the dryer. King size sheets are no easier to fold than they are to put on the bed. It's just about the same amount of energy expenditure, especially keeping the clean sheets off the dirty basement floor.

I had a writing Zoom this afternoon with a bunch of women friends too. We meet most Fridays to check in on each other, write and share a little free write, and just hang out together. Zoom is great because it lets us meet even though we live far apart.

And that's all I have for you tonight.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

King sized sheets are such a pain to fold. I bite the bullet and do the whole chore in the same day by just putting them back on the bed right out of the dryer. But it's all I do that day!