Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Day Full of Aches

Every time I go get a vaccine I spend a couple days shivering and aching. It's my standard reaction to the shots so I should be used to it by now. And it didn't help that I scurried around yesterday making my back hurt and my knees ache. I've taken Tylenol every few hours and it hasn't really helped. What helped the most was sitting in my car waiting for school to let out and nearly falling asleep. Oops! I have no memory how long this malaise hangs on so I'll have to scroll back to September of 2022 when I got the last booster and see what I said. Nothing. I said nothing so I have no info or timeline to help me get over this achy-ness.

I decided that I was over No Mow May. My lawn was about 8" tall and growing and I just couldn't put up with it another day. I managed to mow the front and side yards this afternoon before my knees gave out and I'll mow the back yard one day later this week so it's mowed before I go to The Clearing on Sunday.

The next page in Ink & Wash was a picket fence that she had us draw with pencil, then outline with a skinny liner pen, erase the pencil lines, and then fill in with watercolor. Well, sort of fill it in. I like the white spaces on the boards.

My cleaner, MB, came today and she was excited to see a female Oriole on the jelly. Too bad that it wasn't a male as they're much brighter orange than the female but she was thrilled to see it.

And the Gratitude Journal for today was pretty simple to draw. I did not draw anything about my achy knees or shivers which were my main attention getting symptoms today. I managed to swap my winter socks for my summer socks but that didn't make it on the journal page mostly because I just thought of it now. Climbing up and down the basement stairs wasn't fun.

MB said that she had a cardigan that has holes in the pockets and under one arm. She said that it's coming apart at the seams so I went downstairs and dug out a ball of lime green wool that she said was pretty close to the color of her sweater. We discussed how she should sew it up (overcast) and she went away happy. I hope it works for her.

Tomorrow I have the 4th meeting of the Novel critique group and the first meeting of LL, cda, and me meeting on Zoom to see if we can't put together a friends critique group so that LL gets critiques too. I hope we can work it out. It promises to be an interesting afternoon.

Okay. I'm going to stick some pictures on here, post it to the blog, and go to bed. I woke up at 4am this morning to go to the bathroom and never really got back to sleep. Very frustrating. I can't sleep on my right side because my arm hurts. Thank heavens that my left arm doesn't hurt much so I can sleep on that side. Good night.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I know what you mean when something is driving you crazy -- like your lawn. Glad you got at least half of it done even in your achey state! You are a determined girl.