Tuesday, May 7, 2024

In the Nick of Time

Every morning I write a list of things to do in my Bullet Journal and cross them off as I accomplish them. Being a retired person I don't leap out of bed and busy myself around getting dressed early and stuff like that. I'm more of a loll-er. I loll around in my yoga pants and hoodie, have breakfast, play 3 Wordles, and then maybe get dressed and do something constructive. I decided that today was the day to move the snowblower from the garage to the shed and lawnmower from the shed to the garage. But first I had to spray hornet killer on the six nests on the inside roof of the shed so that I didn't get stung. Six! Anyway, I got the snowblower started and drove it around to the shed, got the patio chairs and lawnmower out of the shed, and drove the snowblower into the shed. I got the patio umbrella out of the garage and managed to hoist it up over my head high enough to slip the umbrella into the pole and not bonk myself on the head with it. Then I decided to fill the birdfeeders. As I was finishing the feeders I felt raindrops and by the time I got into the house it was raining pretty hard. Whew. I got my outdoor chores done in the nick of time.

The Oriole made a few visits to the grape jelly and to the orange half today and I actually got pictures. I'm so happy to see that bright orange and black bird. I'd like to put all four of the pictures that I saved on here but I'm only going to put on one. You're welcome.

Today's Daily Practice was fruit. We used gouache and we all know that I pretty much suck when that's the medium of the day. I think the lemon, clementine, and banana turned out pretty well. The apple is a disaster, the figs are the right shape but the wrong color, and the strawberry is only okay. I hope we go back to using watercolor tomorrow.


The five pink tulips are starting to fade. I noticed when I drove the snowblower by that one of them is dropping its petals. Looked at from this angle they're kind of peachy inside. I like that.

I didn't draw today and I didn't do a Gratitude page. Tonight was Writer's Guild so I left before 5 and got home in time to watch Finding Your Roots on PBS. 

I spent a few hours in the middle of the day on the manuscript, reading and making small changes. I've decided to go through LL's comments again to see if I missed any good ones on my first pass. I should probably put it aside for a week or so to let it settle in my mind but I'm kind of driven to sit here and read and reread it, hoping that one time it'll be just right and I can publish it and move on. How did I ever put up with working on The Seaview for, like, 10 years?

I also pulled out my yoga mat and cued up the 10 Daily Yoga Poses app on the Kindle and did yoga for the first time since early December when I was so breathless and weak I couldn't even do the poses without stopping to rest. For some reason I didn't start up again when I got better but decided to start up again today. Better late than never, right?


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Perfect timing. You got a lot done before the rain came. Your table, chairs and umbrella look all ready for summertime.