Monday, May 13, 2024

A Day Full of Doctoring

My day was filled with health-related errands. In the morning I went to the pharmacy for a Covid booster and a second pneumonia shot. I got tired of getting reminder notes from the pharmacist every time I picked up a prescription so I put on a short-sleeved shirt and got it over with. Then in the afternoon I had a visit with my doctor's PA to check my meds which is required either by Medicare or my insurance. She ordered a blood test so I went straight from there to the lab in the hospital across the street for that. While I was waiting for the lab tech I got a text that the prescriptions that the PA had renewed for me were ready so I went from the hospital to the pharmacy and finally home. Whew.  All that doctoring took up a lot of my day.

After I filled the bird feeders I cut up 4 cups of rhubarb and made another batch of rhubarb sauce. I use Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetener instead of sugar so that a serving costs zero points. I'm loving it over my breakfast Greek yogurt with a little granola sprinkled over it all. I put in less sweetener this time so that I still taste the tang of the rhubarb. The last batch was a little too sweet.

I had to fill all of the feeders, even the grape jelly and the suet cakes. The Starlings have discovered every tasty morsel out there and cleaned it all up. I left the feeders empty for a few days hoping that the Starlings would go elsewhere but they haven't so I caved in and filled them all. Even before I filled the grape jelly an Oriole male came to have a snack and look around. I hope he keeps coming all summer. In past years he's come early in the season and then not the rest of the summer, much to my disappointment.

I turned to the next page in my new Ink & Wash art book. All there was on that page was bird eyes, beaks, and legs so that's what I drew today.

The ferns are unfurling. I love the way they look as they get taller with their tight curls at the tops and the bright green color of them. Around them the lilies of the valley are starting to open. Can't wait for those to bloom because they smell so wonderful.

I ended up with a page full of things I was grateful for today. Way more than I usually have but then today was way busier than usual days. I think the oddest chore on my to-do list was to sew shut the pockets on two pairs of OJ's shorts. He's playing soccer this summer and they can't have pockets in their shorts. I don't know why but it was an easy fix. DIL1 said that if they have pockets not sewn shut the coach duct tapes the pockets! Crazy. But I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation.

I did yoga this morning and took a shower. That was the end of my quiet day. The rest of the time I was running around like a crazed weasel trying to get on top of my extra-long to-do list. Swapped my summer shoes for my winter shoes. Organized my capris and put away my long pants. Put the long-sleeved tee shirts in the guest room closet and swapped out the short-sleeved tees. Tomorrow I'll get out my summer socks and put away my knitted and winter socks (which means I have to fold a basket of clean laundry, ugh). I'm thinking about what clothes I'm going to pack to take to The Clearing on Sunday. Is it going to be warm? Cool? Rainy? It's always cooler up there between the bay and Lake Michigan so I'll be taking a hoodie, shoes and socks, and maybe a long-sleeved denim shirt for layering. I can't wait.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You did have a very busy day yesterday but you got it all done. Good for you. Love the picture of the ferns and the lillies of the valley. Such pretty green and the little bit of white. Very Spring-like.