Monday, May 27, 2024

Flower Day

I went out this morning with my phone to take iris and bleeding hearts pictures so that I can call them up when I want to paint flowers and have something to look at, something to refer to. First come the yellow irises. They're so bright and pretty. I'll try my hand at painting them tomorrow.


Then there are the purple irises. They're pretty too but they're less bright and shining in the gray light of a cloudy day. They're also kind of in a jumble there are so many of them all together.

I want to try painting the bleeding hearts too. That little arcing row of pink hearts with the lighter pink drops should be a challenge.

I tried my hand at painting the purple iris today. It didn't turn out too badly but I realized that the lower petals go up and then arch down so I'll have to see if I can't do that the next time. 

In bird news the pair of Goldfinches were on the finch feeder this morning posing ever so nicely for me.

And the Bluejays, yes, plural, two Bluejays flew around and one landed on the ground to peck at the fallen millet seeds. I hoped that they'd both land under the feeder but only one did. Oh well, one is better than none or one blurry one that's really too far away for a picture.

The sun shone for a few minutes this afternoon so that made it onto the Gratitude Journal page today. You know I'm always grateful for sunshine. I spent a few minutes pulling some weeds from on top of the retaining wall. What I thought was one of the new plants turned out to be a gigantic clump of some sort of picker weed. I was glad to have leather gloves on.

Oh, I almost forgot. One of the blue star flowers bloomed. Just one little tiny star about the size of my fingernail on the clump of buds but I thought you might like seeing it. It's kind of pretty.

I spent part of the afternoon dozing in front of my manuscript. I managed to read through and micro-edit about 50 pages in between snoozes. I'm semi-convinced that it's done but I'm not quite ready to trust the feeling.

I won the eBay auction for the embossing machine and embossing folders so it should all arrive next weekend sometime. I had to order blank cards and envelopes to have something to put the embossed cut up paintings on. Oh, and I need to buy Elmer's Glue to stick them together. No, I don't. I just remembered a place to look and found two bottles of Elmer's. Score!

Tomorrow's supposed to be another rainy day. I thought for sure that it'd clear right up as soon as the holiday weekend was over. Evidently not.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Send some of that rain down here. We need it but I shouldn't even say that since hurricaine season officially starts oon Saturday. Always a little anxious when that rolls around. Love the tiny star flower picture. So perfect.