Thursday, May 9, 2024

Another Different Bird or Three

Evidently it's bird migrating time because birds I've never seen have been showing up. Like yesterday's Indigo Bunting and today's White-Crowned Sparrows. I like the little striped cap on the Sparrows. They feed on the ground so they're a bit challenging to photograph but I managed to snap these two when they were moderately visible. The third bird wandered off.


The Oriole was around today too. I don't know if there's more than one Oriole or maybe a squirrel figured out how to get up there but the half-cup of grape jelly that I put out the other day is almost gone. Or maybe it dissolved in the rain we had on Monday and dripped out the crack in the dish. I saw a pair of House Finches pecking on the orange half so Orioles aren't the only birds that like fruit. And I saw a Red-Bellied Woodpecker in the neighbor's tree this afternoon but by the time I went for the camera he was long gone. Oh well. There's a pair of Starlings that are emptying the round feeder as fast as I can fill it and the Goldfinches and Sparrows are emptying the old finch feeder just about as fast. They'd beggar me if I kept filling them as soon as they're emptied. And the Sparrows have discovered the joys of suet pellets. The Starlings like them too. I think I'll hold off filling the feeders for a couple days to maybe convince them to go decimate someone else's feeders.

Today's Daily Practice was a row of multicolored carrots. There really are pink, purple, and yellow carrots. I know this because there was a pdf picture of them in our packet. They're fun to paint.

I pulled out 20 Ways to Draw a Tree this morning and drew a few things. My favorite is the big fossil in the lower right of the page.

The Bleeding Hearts are really blooming now. I really like the graceful arc of the flower stalks and the delicate dangly heart flowers.

And the Gratitude Journal for today only has three things on it but I'm most grateful that I found out that the pinkish spots on my face aren't skin cancer--yet. I went to the dermatologist this afternoon and got some cream that's supposed to resurface the spots and bring them back to normal skin. It doesn't sound like fun stuff to use but I'll be glad to suffer through two weeks of it if it means I won't have skin cancer. I'll be the one in the hat.


Also I spent an hour this morning finishing the latest read-through of the manuscript of The Seaview: Open for Business. I've read and reread, added to and edited this version a few times so it's time to shift to a 6th version which may be the final version. I feel like it's perilously close to being done.

Every time I pick up a prescription lately the pharmacist attaches a note to the paperwork saying that I need another pneumonia shot and I'm due for a Covid booster. I have to remember to wear short sleeves then I can get the shots and get it over with. I might as well get the shots. My muscles ache from starting up yoga again and that's the usual side effect I get so might as well. Monday. I'll go on Monday. Promise.

If anyone's going to be in Door County this weekend make time to stop at OtherWorlds Books & More in Sturgeon Bay. I'll be there from 11-3 signing books and hoping to sell some. Come see me! JB and LW will be there too.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I love those little sparrows with the striped head. Never heard of them so thanks for the picture of some "rare" birds. Glad you got whatever cream the doctor ordered. Sounds like a good thing.