Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day to Me!

I hadn't been out of bed for 10 minutes when I hurried to open the gifts that DD sent me. They arrived on Tuesday and have been staring at me since then daring me to cave in and open them. The curiosity was killing me but I was strong and waited to open them until today. The early part of today but today nevertheless. She got me some Micron liner pens and a book on Ink & Wash drawing with ink and watercolors. I couldn't wait to try it.


So I pulled out my liner pens and turned to the first "practice" drawing page in my new book and drew some birds, some insects, and a butterfly. I think I'm too deliberate and hold my pen too tight according to what I read in the intro of the book but I'm willing to practice and hopefully get better.

I got cards, two handmade and one store-bought, all three wonderful.

DS invited me over for pizza on the grill and presents. He and DIL1 gave me a lovely luxurious robe from the spa at Lodge Kohler and a beautiful bouquet of red and yellow tulips.

I spent most of the day doing critiques for next Wednesday's Novel online group but I took some time and did a little research on offering my eBooks for free for 5 days to get people to read them. I set up 3 of the titles to be offered this coming week, the last week of May, and the first week of June. The fourth title won't be eligible for that promotion until after May 21st so I'll get that one set up after I get back from The Clearing a week from next Saturday.

When I was watching TV last night I saw a commercial for Viking Cruise Lines. One of the things it said was "no children and no casinos" which are evidently big selling points. I can see how that would set them apart from the "party" boats that most cruise ships look like. I don't think I'd like a cruise. The ships are too big and too crowded and too confining. We went on one cruise that Durwood won in a sales contest and we both pretty much hated it. Luckily we took our dive gear along and I contacted a dive operation in our ports of call and arranged to be picked up and carted off to dive instead of prowling the straw markets or whatever non-divers did on those islands.

Ever since I got home from supper at DS's thunder has been rolling across the sky and now it sounds like it's raining. I probably should have mowed the lawn today but I just wasn't in the mood. I'll get to it one day this week, cross my heart.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday. Me too. Didn't do a thing and felt no guilt!! It was our day after all.