Saturday, May 18, 2024

And It Was Today

I said yesterday that I was sure I'd be painting other sticks before I was through with the current art book and today was the day. The big difference was that this stick had blossoms on it so it looks less like a stick and more like a branch. In looking at my efforts I see that my blossoms get smaller from left to right. When I get home I plan to tackle this one again and see if I can't make them bigger or at least the same size.

It's time for the daily Oriole. Both of them came to the jelly today but the female took off before I could snap a picture. I grabbed my phone thinking that it'd be a faster shot but even that was too slow for her. She was off. Things to do, I suppose. He, or more than one he, showed up a few times and each time I grabbed the camera and took a couple shots. I just can't resist.

But first thing this morning I was pleased to see a Downy Woodpecker on the suet cakes. It's been quite a while since I've seen one of those. Welcome back!

The first iris is fully open today and I thought you might like seeing the whole line of iris buds just waiting to open. Hopefully some will wait until I get back next Saturday. I'd like to see the whole line of flowers. Aunt B commented that Grandma Gerst called them "flags," so did Grandma Angermeier. Must be a Southern Indiana thing.

The blue ice plants all have buds on them. They look like little stand-up grape clusters. When they open each little bud will be a tiny blue star. Kind of pretty even if they are blue. It still gripes me that I asked the landscaper for red, orange, and yellow flowers so he brought blue and purple. Even the little tufts of grass are blue. *sigh* Boys.

It got hot this afternoon, 84 degrees and sunny, and this squirrel obviously got hot because it's spreadeagled on the cool cement of the patio. It did not have demon red eyes like it looks in the picture. For some reason the flash went off and reflected off its retina.

Today's Gratitude Journal page was easy to fill. It was sunny; I'm always grateful for a sunny day. I saw a Hummingbird for the first time this year! Naturally it was too fast for a picture but I saw it. Then I worked on packing for going to The Clearing TOMORROW! (Who's excited?) And I spent some time on a stock photo site looking for a cover photo for my manuscript that's almost finished. A writing friend who has just had to re-cover and re-publish her first novel asked if I had a cover in mind and it occurred to me that I hadn't really given it a thought. I found two images that I like and I even found one for what might be my next novel, which could be another sequel to The Seaview. (God help me.)


Late in the afternoon I broke down and filled all the birdfeeders. I know they'll be mostly empty by the end of tomorrow but I love seeing the birdies. And I cleaned the birdbath and refilled it. Man, that thing gets swampy fast when it's warm outside. I should make fresh birdie juice in the morning and clean and refill the Hummingbird feeder too. I should have thought of that sooner.

I went up to the last winter Market on Military this morning to talk to the Director about when applications for next winter's market will be accepted. She looked at me like I was nuts (I don't blame her) and asked if I was interested in doing the summer market but I said no, because none of us have a canopy or weights to keep one from flying away, and every week is a big commitment in the summer. She also said she was surprised not to see us this last winter because there were open spots. *double sigh* If I'd felt better in the winter I'd probably have contacted her myself instead of relying on another writer. Ah well, water under the bridge. I did get a double handful of fresh picked asparagus for supper though. Yum. And I sent her an email so she'll have my email address when time comes for winter applications.

I also cleared out the crap that lives in my car--shopping bags, books, car seat, random toys--so that someone besides me can get in there if I drive when we go to supper on Thursday. And I located the bottle of mostly-unscented bug spray I knew used to be in there.

Sorry I'm so long-winded tonight. Just a reminder that I won't be blogging until next Saturday night but I'll try to remember to post pictures on Facebook during the week.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That squirrel reminded me of Harry. He used to do that on our cool floor when we lived in Dallas. Have fun at The Clearing. "See" you in a week.