Monday, May 6, 2024

I Saw Orange!

I was talking on the phone to DS this morning and glanced out the window to see a male Oriole on the dish of grape jelly I'd put out the night before. I didn't have any oranges so the orange holder was empty. (it's that coil-y thing on the side) I didn't think that they'd come to just the jelly but evidently they will. Later in the day the female stopped by too but I didn't get a picture of her. I'm thrilled! And I have oranges now so the feeder is filled up.

In order to get this picture of a fern frond not open yet I had to take about six shots moving around so that the auto-focus would focus on the fern and not the leaves behind it. I love the way these look. They remind me of a bishop's crozier.

Speaking of leaves, there are baby leaves on my little maple tree in front. They're such a lovely light Spring green. I'm happy to see them.


The Daily Practice today was a challenge. She had a pdf of a butterfly brooch for us to paint using gouache. I don't do well with gouache, I don't know why. I tried, I really did, but this is all that happened.


My author copies of Horizon and Better Than Mom's arrived this afternoon and thank heavens they both have the correct covers. I was afraid that Better Than Mom's would have the old cover and I'd be stuck with 10 more books with the wrong cover. But I'm not, they're right, and I couldn't be happier. Well, I could be a little happier if the cover was a little brighter but I'm not going to quibble. This cover is better than any of the three previous designs and I'm not changing it. I'm actually impressed that I got the new design at all since the company that I order from is in western Ukraine so I can't fathom how they're able to keep working with a war going on around them.


I made time to do a Gratitude Journal page today because I had things to be grateful for. Yesterday I didn't do one because I couldn't think of anything to draw. That's kind of sad, isn't it?


A local woman wrote a book about an old scandal in town and everyone has been raving about it. It's so successful that she's organizing walking tours to view the houses where the people lived. I got the audiobook from the library last week and started listening to it. I got a few chapters into it and had to stop listening. I don't know if it was the narrator or the story but I just couldn't listen anymore. I must be a philistine if everyone thinks it's wonderful and I don't. 

Tonight OJ had his Cub Scout advancement ceremony and DS invited me to attend. It's quite a challenge to have a ceremony that resonates with a herd of 8 year olds but they tried and it was very nice.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'm glad your books arrived on time. One less thing to worry about. Yay for the oriole and for the picture looking up through the leaves on your maple tree. Very nice. And, you're right, somehow "ceremony" and eight-year-old boys don't seem to go together but I'm glad you were there for his big moment.