Wednesday, May 8, 2024

I Got Blue!

A blue bird! And not a Bluebird either, an Indigo Bunting! There I was at the kitchen table, I looked out at the patio and saw him pecking around in the fallen seed. He was gorgeous. The first one I've seen in ages. I even remember the very first Indigo Bunting I ever saw. It was dead and lying in the grass out at the farm. Grandma Angermeier gave me an old tin can to bury it in. The funeral was very solemn and very nice. I was about eight. My two little brothers were not interested. Sorry for the sad, slightly gruesome walk down memory lane.

The male Oriole made an appearance today too. He showed up in the afternoon and spent some time prospecting around in the grape jelly. I don't know what he was looking for but he seemed particularly focused. I am so excited to have seen two such beautiful birds today.

I am reaping the results of slacking off doing yoga for months today. I did the ten poses again this morning, so that's two days in a row, and my stomach muscles are complaining. Also my back and legs. And my arms too. I am regretting my laziness every time I move. 

Today's Daily Practice was mushrooms. What an odd thing to paint. I evidently painted mine bigger than she did or my paper is smaller than hers because I ran out of space on the right side of the page. Also I didn't decorate the mushrooms with dots and stripes. I looked at hers and looked at mine and decided that I liked mine plain.

The Gratitude Journal page for today was an easy one to fill out. The gratitude that surprised me was when I got home from errands and realized how grateful I am to have enough money to buy the things I need and still have money for the things I want. Thank you, Durwood, for teaching me money management and for being such a good saver and investor. You were the best.

I spent a couple hours this afternoon working my way farther through LL's comments on the last half of the manuscript. Just when I think I'm nearly finished, I read a comment that spurs an idea that leads to a little scene. Lately I'm putting in more than I'm taking out. I'm up over 91k words. Yowza!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You were a particularly happy girl yesterday. And rightly so!! That blue bird was really something to see. I'm so glad you spotted him and where able to share a picture with us so we got to see him too. Yes, it was a good day all the way around. So much to be grateful for.