Saturday, May 11, 2024


I forgot to take pictures at today's author event. Didn't even take a picture of my book display much less have someone take a picture of me. *sigh* I sold three copies of Better Than Mom's to customers and five assorted titles to the bookstore so I came home with eight fewer books than the sixteen I took with me. And a check. Hooray!

The House Finches have discovered the joys of the orange half and the grape jelly I put out for the Orioles. In fact this pair (him on the crook and her on the orange) chased away a female Oriole just after I snapped this picture. 

There were Amazon packages on the porch when I got home this afternoon. One of them contained this book about how to write a cozy mystery. I've got a mystery manuscript, the first manuscript that I ever wrote, that I'd like to try whipping into shape. I will not be tackling that until I'm finished with The Seaview: Open for Business. Cross my heart. BTW, there will not be a talking cat. Or any cat for that matter.

I was away from home most of the day so I didn't have time to draw or find things to be grateful for (except for selling 8 books!) but I did make time to paint these teapots and mugs. I wish I'd painted the pots bigger so that they were bigger than the mugs but that's the way they turned out today.

Tomorrow is Sunday. I keep thinking that today is Sunday. But it's not. So I wrote it on here to remind me of the day of the week. That's what happens when you're retired, you forget what day it is. I guess that's why they invented calendars.

Oh, that means that I get to open the packages from DD that arrived on Tuesday. They've been staring at me all week but I've resisted the temptation to open them. I'm waiting for Mother's Day. Now I've probably fondled them a few times (I think one's a book) but I haven't peeked.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, moms, mamas, and assorted people who mom whether they've given birth or not.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Happy Mother's Day to you!!! And congrats on your sales yesterday. I think I remember a mystery story you had on your blog a few years ago. I hope you do revive it because the parts you shared then were good.