Sunday, August 13, 2023

Wait Your Turn

I saw this Downy Woodpecker hanging out on the Slinky this morning waiting its turn to get onto the suet pellets. There was a Sparrow up there pecking away and the Woodpecker was very patient and waited until the Sparrow left before fluttering up and having a snack.

Today I drew out of 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish. I think that might be my favorite book to draw out of... no, I really like all of the 20 Ways books. I can't pick a favorite. Today's drawings are a scallop, a seagull, a sea urchin, a sunfish, and a clam. I like the seagull and the urchin the best today. I wonder, do I pick the darker pictures as favorites more than the lighter ones?

After I mowed the backyard weeds and the grass that's growing downstream from the downspouts, but not the barely-grown grass that the public service guys painted the other day, I went to the grocery for ingredients and made a batch of Spicy Roasted Red Pepper Soup. Instead of roasting the red peppers myself I cheated and used pre-roasted and peeled peppers out of a jar. Well, jars because I used a jar and a half. I asked permission to snip a stem of fresh basil from my neighbor's plant. He's got a bumper crop of basil and won't use it all so I get to have a little. It's so fragrant and tasty. The soup's pretty good too. I tried this little bowlful and will let it meld overnight for the flavor to develop.

I took the day off from writing and working on ads. My shoulder's a little touchy from all of the computering I've done over the last couple weeks so I thought I'd give it a break. Instead I mowed and then walked all around the Meijer superstore because I sit too much and need to get my legs in better shape. It's always something.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Your roasted red pepper soup looks good. And clever you for finding the shortcut of canned peppers. Cheese soup is on my menu for tonight. Must be soup season!