Saturday, August 19, 2023

Saturday Slide

I was not the most productive creature on the planet today. Not even close. But that's okay. I don't need to be a wildly productive woman every day. A few days a week is adequate. My tiny neighbor dragged her mama over this morning for a short explore of the toys and crayons that live in my house. She's not very verbal yet but her eyes are very expressive asking if it's okay if she touches things. She's at the "dump things out" stage of development and exploration so there were lots of blocks and crayons on the living room floor again. Fun.

Then I jumped into 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish and had a good time drawing ocean stuff. Two jellyfish, two pufferfish, and two rays.

I saw that one of the red day lilies is still blooming so I hiked up to the retaining wall for a picture.

I filled the bird feeders and the only taker I saw was a squirrel on the peanut wreath. I didn't get a picture, it was too fast for me.

Then I turned to the next pages of the Chibi book and found a mouse and a pig to draw. I like the way they turned out, the pig more than the mouse.

My cleaning lady came today because she was ill on her last scheduled day. It's so much fun when she's here, she's one of the biggest fans of my writing so she wants to hear all about how the writing is going and what's next. She agreed that the new Horizon cover is more appealing than the previous two covers. She also peeked at the piles of watercolors that are on the guest bed. I need to get a portfolio to put them in but haven't done that. Her oohs and aahs were very gratifying and made me look at some of my paintings with fresh eyes.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I like the new cover too. Says more about the story within.