Monday, August 21, 2023

A Day on the Computer

I spent a lot of today on the computer. Late this morning I got an email from Harry at Book Publishing Solutions to review another bunch of chapters so I spent an hour going over their suggestions, accepting some and rejecting others, also making a few new changes of my own. Only 36 pages left before The End.


The UPS guy stopped and dropped of a couple copies of Better Than Mom's with the newest cover. I had to reduce the picture to make it clearer and I wish that the background wasn't black but this is the best I can do to make it not look like a cookbook. The picture is the whole cover of the eBook, I like that better. I've got 1 of the oldest cover and 10 of the second cover to sell through before they all look like this.

A pair of Downy Woodpeckers showed up this morning, one lit on the suet pellets and the other landed on a Slinky by the suet cakes. I like when they land on the Slinky and ride it up and down. Just after I snapped this photo the lower one fluttered over to the suet cakes but on the wrong side of the feeder to have its picture taken.

When I went out to refill the birdbath (I don't know how it empties so quickly) I saw that the orange day lilies are still a-bloom so I grabbed the camera and took their picture.

I took a break from computering to draw a few pictures from 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly. None of these are my favorite. Oh, all right, maybe the upper paper airplane, that's the one that turned out the neatest. I do not like the winged foot, it's weird looking, they all are.

I again spent the afternoon watching videos and learning new things on the computer for the email marketing course I signed up for over the weekend. I've signed up for and downloaded an email list program and another program that lets you upload books and stories as links in emails. One of these days I'll have learned enough and downloaded enough new stuff that I'll be able to send out an email encouraging people to sign up for my monthly author email. I can't tell you how many times I'll have to watch these videos to get the info clear enough to act on it. I'm already through twice and that's just the "Email Lists From Scratch Tutorials" which are the bare beginning of the course. Good thing it's self-paced.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I commend you for taking on another way to sell your books. It's like you're going back to school learning all new things.