Monday, August 14, 2023

Thinking of Him

Five years ago today my beloved Durwood died. Some days I can't believe that it's been that long and other days it seems hard to remember when he was here. I miss him every day, not with the crushing pain that marked the early days, but there are so many things I want to share with him. He was one in a million.

We had a rainy day today. It didn't pour rain, it just plain old rained for most of the day. It slacked off in the afternoon but never got out of the 60s and it felt damp. We really need the rain.


Some people say that Cardinals are the souls of our departed loved ones. I don't believe that but a Cardinal visited in the rain today.

You can see how wet it was by how bedraggled this House Finch is. Sometimes I wonder how they can fly when they're so wet.

I finished another draw through 20 Ways to Draw a Tree. I try to choose a different figure on each page every time and I'm having fun going through the books.

I also got another three chapters to review from Harry at Book Publishing Solutions. Woohoo! 

Tonight after supper I sat down and finished the Pink Lemonade Dishcloth. I made it too small because I have too much yarn leftover. Next time I should make the cloth with all of the little balls of yarn left. It would be colorful!

And so I started another project. It's supposed to be a cowl but I'm not a fan so I'm making a scarf. I think. I love the yarn but I'm not sure that this is the right project for it. Only time will tell. It's early enough that I can rip it out without too much pain.

That's it for my day. Not a barn burner but I feel like I accomplished a few things.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Memories. What a great picture of your beloved. Those blue, blue eyes. A rainy day seems fitting somehow.